Village Support Group (VSG) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization, established in Battambang in 1994 as a post-civil-war transition project to help rehabilitate the people of Battambang and those near the Thai border through health care and agricultural support projects.

In late 1994, four of VSG’s researchers wanted to continue doing development work for the rural poor, particularly vulnerable groups. Initial funds of $3,000 from IWDA were used for a project on dry season rice and crop production to improve the standard of living of the underprivileged sectors.

As VSG gained its reputation, Oxfam GB & Cambodia extended its assistance for the formation and strengthening of self-help groups, training on savings and rice bank projects. From then on, VSG expanded its development work and now responds to basic social development concerns such as health care, advocacy on environmental issues, basic human needs and women’s rights.

VSG currently works in partnership with eight international institutions: EC UNDP, Oxfam GB & Cambodia, DPA, Forum Civ, Pact Cambodia, HelpAge, USAID Harvest, ActionAid Cambodia and VSO. Today VSG has 15 staff members that work for implementation of its programs in 35 communes. VSG has strengthened its capacity, management capability and community development work in close cooperation and through placement of Foreign Advisors and VSO volunteers.